Running Stats

Running Shoe Reviews and Tips for the Modern

7 Ways to Stay Safe While Running

Knowing how to stay safe while running is about being aware and having a community behind you. Running is a way of life, but with all things in life there is a need to know what to look out for. As a running community, we need to look out for one another, and that starts…

Top 7 Most Common Running Injuries that Affects Runners

A staggering statistic shows that 65% of all runners are injured within a given year. A statistic that reveals runners are suffering from common injuries that are avoidable. 50% of injuries are recurring injuries. By equipping yourself with the right knowledge, you can avoid injuries. On average, an injury occurs every 100 hours of running….

6 Exercises To Treat Shin Splints

Exercises can help relieve the pain of shin splints, and help prevent injury in the future. Nothing is worse than experiencing the pain of shin splints during your training program. However, there are several ways to stretch and exercise your shins to give ease to your run. Try out these 6 exercises to bring you…

10 Twitter Running Influencers Share Their Favorite Running Shoe

Have you been wondering what shoes your top Twitter runners are wearing? Look no further as they share favorite running shoes and a part of their story. Brands ranging from Saucony, Asics, Brooks, Newton, Mizuno, Hoka One One, Saloman, New Balance, and Altra, Twitter runners share their favorite running shoe that guides them every single day….

15 Smoothie Recipes You Have to Try

Looking for the perfect smoothie to supplement your workout? Look no further! We have compiled 15 great smoothie recipes for you to try out and enjoy. Along with great smoothie recipes, all images are free for sharing. Our in-house photographer prepared these recipes for your enjoyment and use. All we ask is that you add…