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Running Shoe Reviews and Tips for the Modern

10 Ways to Get Back Into Running

Taking up running is no easy task. Whether you are recovering from an injury or you’re coming back from a break, it can be hard to get back into a running routine. Running is about community, strength, and you as an individual. Try out the 10 ways to get yourself back into the game of…

How to train and prepare for a Spartan race

If you enjoy grit, mud, obstacles, paths of fire and ultimately – the challenge of a lifetime – then a Spartan race is definitely for you. Pushing yourself to your absolute mental and physical boundaries however isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and is not for the faint hearted. Even though it sounds like an exhilarating…

Tips on registering and qualifying for the Boston Marathon

Boston marathon has become one of the world’s most sought-after races and many hopeful athletes are accepted and declined annually. With all those trainers screeching to the registration deadline in hopes of running the next marathon, you may wonder what your odds are. Well, if you read this article, follow the steps and begin preparations…

7 Ways to Help You Run in the Cold

The cold can be a fierce competitor when trying to run. To help you manage the cold so you can keep doing what you love, we have compiled 7 different ways for you to stay warm and keep your body healthy during the winter season. 1. Understand How Your Body Loses Heat Loren Greenway, CEO of…

23 Best Running Shoes for Girls

Finding a decent pair of girl’s running shoes may be harder than you thought. Do you find yourself scanning online endlessly just overwhelmed by the amount of choice? Or maybe you’ve tried every sport store available and your daughter just can’t find a comfortable fit for running shoes. This article is here to help as…

Why Yoga Helps You Run Better

Yoga has the power to shift how you run for the better. Yoga and running have unique qualities that can help you become a stronger athlete. By pairing both forms of exercise into your weekly routine, you will be gathering the benefits that can guide you to healthier living and better running. What Yoga Is Yoga…

15 Best Nike Running Shoes

Whether you’re a Nike Newbie or a seasoned ‘Niker’, this article unveils some of the best-selling, most-loved and highly reviewed trainers the brand offers in 2016. When the time has come to replace the old with the new, the worn with the fresh, there are certain things that will be higher up the priority list….

7 Ways to Recover From Your Run

The recovery process is an important part of being a runner. It is something we all must go through, yet can be frustrated at the amount of time it takes to heal. Fear no further the struggle of recovery, because there are several ways in which you can heal faster than you ever have before….